We are all aware of how important looking after our body and sexual health is. Many women know what ovarian cancer is, but are unsure as to what the symptoms are, as well as the causes and treatments available. There are so many myths surrounding ovarian cancer. Below we shed some insight and tell you what you need to know.
What are ovaries?
The ovaries are connected to the Fallopian tubes. They are responsible for storing and then releasing eggs into the Fallopian tubes. They are located in the pelvic area. Any woman of any age can get ovarian cancer, but usually, it targets women of menopausal age, so after the age of 50.
What are the symptoms?
There are some common symptoms that may indicate you have ovarian cancer. But, it’s important to remember that these symptoms also mimic other problems, such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
The symptoms may include having a swollen stomach or feeling full after eating only a small meal. You may also feel discomfort in your pelvis or tummy region and not be able to get comfortable. Some women also complain of having to urinate more frequently than normal.
What causes ovarian cancer?
The sad fact is that there is no known cause of ovarian cancer and that research is still being carried out in this area. However, what is known is there are several things that can increase the risk. These include being aged over 50, women who have gone through the menopause, suffering from endometriosis and a family history of ovarian cancer.
Treatment options
Treatment will differ for every woman depending upon their general health and how far advanced they are. The main types of treatment will involve surgery to remove the ovaries, Fallopian tubes and womb. Then there will be a course of chemotherapy treatment that will target any cancer cells that remain.
If you have concerns regarding your gynaecological health and wish to see a female gynaecologist in London, then we can help. Our gynaecology London clinic provides a range of services related to female health, including gynaecological cancer screening. To !earn more, please do get in touch with us today.