When to see a gynaecologist

Getting regular check ups on your gynaecological health is important in order to get early diagnosis and treatment for any potential problems. If you are experiencing changes in your vaginal area it is best to seek professional advice rather than waiting for the symptoms to go away on their own. Going to a doctor can seem like a worrying experience but it is what’s best for your body. It is recommended you go to see a gynaecologist if you are experiencing the following:

You are sexually active

In order to maintain your vaginal health it is best to get a check up with your gynaecologist once you become sexually active. This is in order to make sure you have not contracted any sexually transmitted diseases. Seeing an expert within two years of being sexually active will help keep you healthy. It can be an embarrassing topic to talk about but a professional gynaecologist can always be trusted with this private information.

Period changes

There are many different potential causes for your menstrual cycle to change. Determining factors can range from weight, age and medical conditions. The reasons for missing your period can be as arbitrary as simply being under stress. Or it could have a more serious underlying cause that needs to be diagnosed as early as possible. The best way to determine the exact reasons for changes to your period is to seek professional advice.


All women go through the menopause at some time in their life. It is most commonly seen in middle age but can occur earlier in some cases. The symptoms for menopause include: period changes, hot flashes, night sweats, difficulty sleeping, vaginal dryness, mood swings, loss of hair on head, increased hair on face and difficulty focusing mentally.

Abnormal bleeding

It can be distressing when your vagina begins to bleed without an apparent cause. Often this is a symptom of irregular ovulation. The only way to tell is to get it checked out as early as possible. Women who experience this need to be examined in order to rule out a more serious cause of the bleeding.