Vulval disorders – causes, signs, and symptoms

The vulva comprises of a group of external female genitalia structures. Vulval diseases and disorders often involve a combination of several problems. To most women, bulbar itching, vaginal discharge, and burning sensations imply a yeast infection. However, there are endless diseases that present with similar symptoms.

Some of the common vulval disorders and diseases include the vulvar vestibulitis, lichens planus, VIN, endometriosis, bacterial vaginosis, vulvar cancer, vaginitis, bacterial and fungal infections, plasma cell vulvitis, chronic pelvic pain and chronic candidiasis among many other.

Risk factors and causes of vulvar disorders

There are numerous causes of vulvar disorders and diseases. This ranges from contemporary cleansing products that can irritate the skin, bacterial infections, overgrowth of fungi and parasites to hormonal imbalances associated with age or pregnancy.

To ascertain what is causing your disorders, consider visiting Miss Tania Adib for her proficient diagnosis.

Symptoms of vulval disorders

Many women often suffer in silence from various annoying and overly distressing vulval symptoms. Depending on the specific part of the vulva affected, there are various symptoms of this disorder. Typically, most women will experience physical discomfort due to the following;

• Burning/stinging sensation
• Tenderness
• Itching
• Pain during sex
• Difficulty urinating
• “Raw” skin feeling
• Swelling, ulcers, and lumps
• Vaginal discharge
• Ripping

Diagnosis of vulval disorders

These symptoms can be considered ’embarrassing’ by women. This is why most women are suffering in silence. However, it is of immense importance to have a conversation with your doctor about your concerns and problems.

To diagnose vulvar disease, the doctor will begin by undertaking a complete medical history to identify the exact symptoms. Other vital tests that should be done include;

• Physical exam
• Blood tests
• Pelvic exam
• Imaging studies
• Fluid and tissue cultures

Treatment therapies for vulval disorders

Just like the symptoms, treatment of vulval disorders hugely rely on the cause. After a complete assessment, the doctor will develop an appropriate treatment plan suiting your condition. Some of the common treatment options Miss Tania may recommend include:

• Antibiotics that fight infections
• Topical creams to stop itching, irritation, and pain
• Anti-fungal medication to treat fungus
• Special exercises that strengthen pelvic muscles

In severe cases, Miss Tania may recommend surgery, especially for those disorders caused by structural vulval abnormalities, which do not respond to less invasive treatments.