Suffering from a heavy period? Find out why…

Periods are the bane of every woman’s existence. If they weren’t inconvenient enough, when a heavy period comes about it can be worrying and distressing. This is especially the case when they are accompanied by uncomfortable cramps. So, why is your period so heavy? Let’s take a look at some of the potential causes…

Health problems

If you suffer from liver disease, kidney disease, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), thyroid problems, or endometriosis, your heavy period could easily be attributed to one of these conditions.

Hormone issues

One of the most common reasons for heavy periods is hormone issues. Each month, a lining accumulates inside your womb, and during your period, you shed this lining. However, the lining can be made too thick if your hormone levels are not balanced. This means that you are going to be shedding a lining that is thicker than usual, which results in heavy bleeding.

Certain medications

Heavy periods can also be a result of medication that fights inflammation as well as blood thinners.

Bleeding disorders

Bleeding disorders aren’t very common, but they do result in a heavier period, which tends to last longer too. A lot of bleeding disorders run in the family, so this is something worth exploring further if your mother or someone else has suffered from such an illness.


This is another rare cause; however, cancer of the ovaries, cervix, or uterus may cause excessive bleeding in some females. This is not said to worry you! As mentioned, it’s very rare but something that gynaecological cancer screening can detect.

Pregnancy issues

A miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy could cause heavy bleeding, which a lot of people mistake for heavy periods. In a normal pregnancy, the egg and sperm will meet and implant inside of the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy is rare, and it happens when the growing ball of cells implants itself outside of the uterus.

Certain IUDs

If you use a small intrauterine device as a form of birth control, this may make your periods heavier if it does not contain hormones.

Growth in the womb

Non-cancerous fibroids and polyps within the uterus can also both be causes for heavy periods that last longer than usual.

If you have any concerns about what’s causing your heavy period, book an appointment at our gynaecology London practice today.